
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Not so much procrastinating today...

Not strictly procrastinating because I did something both useful and timely today!

Tomorrow is our tenth wedding anniversary and to celebrate we're having a family photo (since our family is actually finished now). N and I have new dresses in the colours our bridal party wore, hubby will of course be wearing black, even Mr Z has a snazzy waistcoat to wear with his black pants and a tie. Which just leaves poor bubba...

Nana and Papa brought this piece of deliciousness home from their last holiday:

 ...but unfortunately he didn't grow enough to be able to wear it yet...

So I did some digging in my old workwear and came up with something I was willing to remodel for my smallest boy.

It actually is black, just the light playing tricks with us today... and yes, it is a small - a Supre small at that - so there was really no hope of my ever having worn it again. But that's OK, I am over thirty after all and my body has done all it was designed for in growing and nurturing three babies, so I can cut it some slack. I'm told I'm way nicer to cuddle these days anyway ;)

Little Miss saw me cutting newspaper (pattern) and fabric and naturally had to join in. That's the beginnings of a kite which now has a long black tail...

Anyway, I'm at the stage of tucking all the loose ends in and generally finishing off, so I'm procrastinating again... but I'll be back tomorrow to show you the finished result!

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