
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Toothy pegs

It's all about the teeth round here. Mr Z has finally lost that first wobbly tooth - hooray! I was starting to get worried as it had been wobbling forever and his adult tooth was coming through behind it - his smile was becoming a bit reminiscent of a shark, if you ask me! I didn't get a picture of the wobbly tooth (wasn't allowed) but here is his very first grown up tooth in all its glory:

Unfortunately, when the tooth fairy visited she must have been drunk or something as she didn't leave any money. I've told Z he'll have to write a letter pointing out her mistake. Since his least favourite thing to do is writing, it's bought me some time to go and get gold coins at the bank (wink, wink). I was considering keeping their first teeth (still not sure if that is creepy and/or weird) but I guess that's not an option now... no way I'm going... ahem... looking for that thing!!! Maybe I can keep the second one to fall out instead (if it's all right with the fairy)

Meanwhile, the Small Boy now has four teeth (which incidentally 'hit') but he's not letting me get even a small peep at those:

I'm just hoping Little Miss doesn't want a piece of the action once she realises that wobbly tooth = a gold mine ;)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bunting and burnt fingers...

Let me just start by saying this was Mr Z's idea (as I suck my poor burnt thumb). The last few days I've spent time sorting, cutting and ironing fabric ready to be made into three long strings of bunting

(yes a case of actual burnt fingers, not just a turn of phrase. There are almost 70 flags in that pile)

Small Boy's flags

Little Miss has some too
And finally flags for Mr Z who started this whole project off... I think some rocket fabric might be required to finish the job ;)

Now to start the actual sewing... I thought that pinked edges turned under would be easier than doubled fabric stitched and turned inside-out, but my poor burned fingers beg to differ. Maybe I should have started with a smaller project, but I'm not a small project kind of girl ;)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women's Day 2011

Hooray! Today we celebrate not only equal rights, but the right of women to choose their own destiny :) This might mean choosing higher education, working a high powered job or choosing to take a break to care for your family (whatever shape and size it may be).

I enjoyed reading this article by Amy Taylor-Kabbaz today. I'm not sure Germaine Greer would like my friends either :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ballet bag...

It's Monday, which at our house means ballet lesson after school for Little Miss. She's been going for just over a month and every Monday arfternoon I see a procession of little ballerinas with their gorgeous bags... followed by my messy-haired lookalike, carrying my old straw bag that I used to take to gym. I FINALLY got around to making something more befitting a princess, and today will be its maiden voyage :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gardening with the little people

As we are not good with green things, the kids have recently been reduced to watering dead sticks so last weekend we decided to let them choose some new plants for our balcony garden.

I love watching my little people in the garden. I think I've spent too much time reading about fairies, but there's something magical about watching a kid with a watering can! It took all my strength not to raid the dress up box for... ahem... gorgeous fairyland constumes *suitable* attire.

We decided to plant things we will be able to eat (what better way to get the kids to eat tomatoes!) and things we can't shouldn't be able to kill. So we planted cherry sweetbite tomatoes, child-safe chillies and portulaca (so cheerful and hardy).

Wish us luck!
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